** SEARCH CONCLUDED ** BRITISH JUDO - 2 x INEDs (Digital & Commercial)
4 Year term (with a further term possible)
Voluntary (plus expenses)
Closing date for applications: 31st January 2021

The appointment of our next Board members is a hugely significant appointment for us and comes at a critical and exciting time for the sport we represent.
We are greatly enthused by the opportunity to identify individuals with the vision, purpose and commitment to help the Association navigate one of the most difficult years that we have had to contend with as a sport and as a nation.
An immediate priority will be to provide support for the team at the Tokyo Games, plans for which are already well developed, and to input into our strategy for the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Cycle, working collaboratively with our Member Bodies for the benefit of all.
The impact of the pandemic necessitates greater partnership working to safeguard our Association and makes our role of representing and working with our Member Bodies in supporting the common interests of our diverse membership even more fundamental.
If successful, you will be in a unique position to build links and relationships across the broader sports sector, and to continue developing our reputation as a leading nation for judo both in the UK and across the globe.
To help us steer our path forwards and ensure that our sport can continue to grow and be enjoyed by thousands, creative thinking will be critical.
We are particularly seeking individuals with exceptional communication and stakeholder engagement skills; the highest standards of integrity and governance; as well as commercial awareness and financial acumen to ensure a sustainable future for the Association.
If you share our vision and have the ambition to help us deliver on it, we would be delighted to hear from you. Whether or not you ultimately apply for this role, I am grateful to you for considering bringing your skills and energy to the BJA.
Ronnie Saez, Chair of the Board
The British Judo Association (BJA) is the National Governing Body for judo in the UK, affiliated to the International Judo Federation (IJF), the international governing body of judo. It exists to provide leadership, vision and purpose in steering the direction of judo.
It was established in 1948 and was incorporated as a company, limited by guarantee in 1978. It is recognised by UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Wales, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Scotland, the British Olympic Association and the Sport and Recreation Alliance.
The BJA is a membership organisation and has expanded its network of clubs, qualified coaches and individual members throughout Britain providing access to the sport in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
It is a public company whose principal activity is the promotion and supervision of judo activities. The member clubs directly elect the Chairman and seven Directors.
The Association’s executive staff and seven commissions address delivery of the BJA’s strategic objectives and other specific corporate issues.
As a National Governing Body, British Judo works on policy issues with the IJF. It coordinates the British calendar of events, disciplinary procedures, safeguarding and doping control, and oversees the training and development of British clubs, coaches, referees and volunteers.
At home, it plays an active role in representing the common interests of its Member Bodies to organisations such as the British Olympic Association, British Paralympic Association, SportsAid, the Sport and Recreation Alliance and DCMS.
Funding from UK Sport and Sport England supports British Judo’s work, from developing elite fighters aiming to win medals for Great Britain to encouraging complete beginners from a range of backgrounds to get involved.

Our values are at the heart of our Association.
They are the bedrock of our culture and inform and guide everything we do; they are shared by all our members.
RESPECT - Respect is having due regards for the competence, feelings, views and rights of ourselves and others. It extends to the treatment of all people with whom we come into contact with.
UNITY - Unity gives us a sense of belonging, creating the belief that with the support of our colleagues, we can overcome adversity and achieve great things.
EXCELLENCE - Excellence is the standard that we constantly strive to achieve. It ensures that a job is well done, no matter how difficult the circumstances.
TRUST - Trust is the belief and confidence in the reliability of each other. It quantifies and defines our relationshiphs with others.
INTEGRITY - Integrity is about doing what you say you will do and maintaining high personal and professional standards at all times.
The Governing Body has a Board of twelve members. Four of these are independent directors and due to the completion of terms, there are currently two exciting INED positions that we are now recruiting.
One of the positions will oversee the digital advisory group for the Board. The other INED position will lead the commercial committee, developing new commercial revenue streams for the organisation.
With the Tokyo Olympics being held in 2021 and the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in 2022, there will be exciting opportunities to showcase the sport.
Some of the key responsibilities of the role are as follows:
- Support and challenge the Chair, CEO and Executive team to drive and deliver the British Judo strategy in accordance with its mission and values.
- Help to develop the digital or commercial agenda, utilising your expertise, through participation in the relevant committee groups.
- Attend Board meetings, likely to be six a year (joining some meetings electronically and some in person at the Walsall based headquarters), contributing to the agenda items and governance.
- Be aware of the interests of all stakeholders (including funding agencies and the membership), maintaining positive relationships with these groups.
The ideal candidates will have considerable expertise in either digital development within an organisation or commercial expertise, developing revenue streams. You will be able to demonstrate experience of working strategically as a member of a senior management team or Board and be able to demonstrate independent judgment and clear strategic thinking.
Thank you for interest in applying for the position(s).
In line with the British Judo Association’s equality and diversity policy, we welcome applications from all sections of the community, regardless of age, race, colour, sex, marital status, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, disability or sexual orientation.
To apply, please send your CV with a brief covering letter, stating the reasons and motivation for the application, to daryl.mason@hartmannmason.com