Other services
Market Mapping.
Hartmann Mason will allow you to see the identification of possible candidates for a specific position without having to progress to recruit unless you want to. This preparatory service is sometimes used when an organisation is considering whether to move ahead with the recruitment of a role or not, or alternatively, to keep a view on external talent, giving you a unique insight into the quality of skills available. It gives vital market information to help talent planning.
Succession Planning
Hartmann Mason can work closely with you to help plan in advance and prepare for when a key position in the organisaion requires transition. This will include interviewing and advice on suitable candidates who would be relevant for a given role. It can also include benchmarking against internal candidates who may be considering applying or stepping up into the position.
Board Assessment
Hartmann Mason utilises Board assessment and skills audit methods to provide revealing evidence of the strengths and breadth of skills within a Board. It can also be used to highlight which skills and strengths could be missing from a Board. We make recommendations to help you build an even higher performing Board.
Hartmann Mason is a supporter of strong diversity on a Board and uniquely, over 50% of our Board placements are women.
If you would like any further information regarding any of these services, we are more than happy to arrange a discussion or meeting.